
Dealing With Diarrhea In Toddlers

Diarrhea in toddlers is one common phenomenon. Nonetheless, if proper measures are taken, it is possible to control and prevent it from becoming a major problem which can lead to total dehydration. You find that if the problem becomes very serious, one has to seek medical attention which involves placing of IV fluids. You should bear in mind that the process of locating the veins when injecting the IV is not an easy one especially when the child is already dehydrated.

If you know the right steps to take when your child is faced by this problem, you do not have to go through the painful process. You should note that some kids become lactose intolerant during the period. It is therefore good to avoid any milk products. This includes breastfeeding.

Since breast milk is very important during the formative years, you should not just stop immediately. You should consult you pediatrician first before you decide to stop. You should also give other fluids such as pedialyte when the problem occurs.

You should also note the cause of the problem in the first place. This can range from teething, antibiotics and gastro intestinal infections. In some cases such as teething, the problem might go away on its own. But remember, to be keen on the developments to avoid more problems.

In case you child is just a babe in arms of 3 or 4 months you must call the doctor immediately. Also, if the trouble does not subside after three days or if the stool contains traces of blood or the child is barfing or is running a temperature, you need to seek medical help.

As earlier stated, when diarrhea in toddler transpires, chances are that child will suffer from dehydration. It is therefore important to identify the early signs in order to counter the case. Such signs might include, dry eyes, decreased urination, less activity and sunken abdomen. With such information, it ought not to be very difficult to deal with the dilemma.

